

Product information

For Photoluminescence Measurement


Controls samples and temperature freely.
Conventional types of PL measuring instrument can measure the samples of Si, GaAs, etc. only at certain temperature. With this model of Mini Stat, you can measure samples at temperatures from ambient to cryogenic while moving samples in X, Y or Z directions.


Model CRT-A020-S200 CRT-C020-S200 CRT-C010-S200
Cryocooler/Compressor HE05/UW404 D510/SW115 D105/SW112
Ultimate Temperature 4K 12K 12K
Temperature Controllable Range 4K to 300K ±0.2K 12K to 300K ±0.2K 12K to 300K ±0.2K
Optical Window Dimensions Light Inlet : φ20(mm), Photoluminescence : φ30(mm), Reflected Light : φ20(mm)
Sample Dimensions 10×10×1t(mm)
Number of Samples 3
Accessories Evacuation valve, Heater for temperature control, XYZ Table
, Cryogenic thermometer (for temperature control / measurement), Coldhead Accessories rotation system

*It may vary depending on the operating condition.


 CRYOSTAT For Photoluminescence Measurement[PDF:308KB]

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